Monday, October 17, 2011

October To-Do List

A little work in the garden now will reward you in the Spring. Here are a list of suggestions to prep your garden while the weather is still decent:

Clean and sharpen tools

Prune out dead fruiting canes in raspberries

Shred fallen leaves

 It's time for transplanting trees and shrubs

Plant garlic cloves 3" deep so that the tip is 2" below soil

Control weeds  now and clean up beds to reduce disease
 Continue to bait  for slugs with SLUGGO

Protect veggie greens for the winter with a row cover

Clean bird feeders for winter

Keep winter interest in mind when it comes to design

Protect or move non-hardy plants indoors

Divide perennials that are too big for location

Store summer bulbs like Dahlia somewhere dark, dry and cool

*Information provided by Farmington Gardens-  Beaverton, OR